ATA Mg® (magnesium acetyl taurinate) is a patented compound of magnesium and acetyl taurine which crosses the blood-brain barrier for use in the brain.
Advantages of ATA Mg®
This compound contains a magnesium atom which binds to two taurine molecules whose amine function has been acetylated.
⇒ High bioavailability of ATA Mg®.
This acetylation facilitates the passage of membrane phospholipids, resulting in better penetration of Mg and taurine into cells.
⇒ Structural analogy of ATA Mg® with the 2 main excitatory neurotransmitters (glutamic acid and kainic acid)

Bioavailability of ATA Mg®

High intestinal bioavailability
First of all, ATA Mg® has a high intestinal bioavailability. The intestinal absorption of ATA Mg® is 20-50% higher than other magnesium salts [1].

High brain bioavailability
Après son absorption intestinale, l’ATA Mg® est largement distribué dans tout le corps avec une pénétration plus marquée dans le cerveau grâce à sa structure moléculaire. En effet, grâce à son caractère lipophile, l’ATA Mg® est capable de traverser la barrière hémato-encéphalique et de pénétrer dans les cellules neuronales.
Une dose beaucoup plus faible de Mg++ est suffisante pour atteindre le cerveau (en comparaison avec les autres sels de magnésium) [2-3 ].
ATAMg® for brain and cognitive functions
This structural analogy with the 2 main excitatory neurotransmitters enables it to modulate neuro-excitation and, ultimately, synaptic plasticity.
Through this mechanism, ATA Mg® can prevent or relieve all related disorders (cognitive decline, mood swings, stress, anxiety, headaches, migraines, head trauma, epilepsy,…
Stress can have a number of effects on the body: mood swings, agitation, irritability, anxious thoughts, muscle tension, nausea, palpitations, disturbed sleep…
These are usually the first signs that stress is becoming a problem. If it is not managed or treated effectively, it can become chronic and, over time, cause serious damage.
Taking ATA Mg® helps to reduce anxiety (more information).
Migraine is a moderate to severe headache experienced as a stabbing pain on one side of the head. It affects 12% to 16% of the population and is more common in women than in men. This frequent, even daily, physical pain also interferes with the social life and morale of sufferers.
Memory and concentration
A decrease in magnesium concentration is observed in the brain during the ageing process, leading to altered neuronal excitability, reduced synaptic transmission and impaired cognition.
ATA Mg® increases synaptic density and may play a beneficial role in memory and learning processes [4].
Head trauma
A head injury is an injury to the head that can lead to brain damage and have a significant impact on a person’s life, including their ability to feel and express empathy.
ATA Mg® prevents morphological damage and improves empathic behaviour following head injury [5].
L’épilepsie est une maladie neurologique qui peut être due à une hyperexcitabilité neuronale. Selon l’OMS, environ 50 millions de personnes dans le monde vivent avec l’épilepsie, ce qui en fait l’une des maladies neurologiques les plus courantes.
L’ATA Mg®, en réduisant l’hyperexcitabilité neuronale, réduit les crises d’épilepsie [7].
ATA Mg® for the women comfort of life
3 out of 4 women worldwide suffer from premenstrual syndrome.
This syndrom is characterized by emotional, behavioral and physical symptoms that occur in the luteal phase before menstruation.
ATA Mg® relieves the symptoms of premenstrual syndrom
• Stress, anxiety
• Nervous tension, Mood swings, Irritability
• Depression
• Fatigue, Insomnia
• Headache
• Breast tenderness
• Abdominal bloating
The effectiveness of ATA Mg® in relieving menstrual migraines and PMS symptoms has been demonstrated in patients.
CLINICAL CASE: ATA Mg® reduces menstrual migraine episodes
The efficacy of ATA Mg® was studied in a 27-year-old woman who had been prone to migraine attacks since the age of 17.
This patient received 2×350 mg of ATA Mg® per day for 2 months, combined with a few dietary rules.
This clinical case demonstrated that ATA Mg® can reduce menstrual migraine attacks,
but also mood disorders, stress, anxiety and breast pain [8].
CLINICAL STUDY: Action of ATA Mg® on premenstrual syndrome
The efficacy of ATA Mg® was evaluated on 20 PMS symptoms in 19 women aged between 18 and 45 years.
The study showed that 770 mg of ATA Mg® induced a statistically significant decrease in all studied symptoms of PMS after the third menstrual cycle [9].

Formulation et galenics

No taste issues

Easily soluble

Suitable for all forms:
• Tablets
• Sticks, sachets
• Drinkable solution

(new dietary ingredient) filing under reference NDI 1139

and is listed in the NHPID (Natural health products ingredients Database)
(1) Report T2016-00122 Keyfood. Synapharm Internal document,March 2018: Y-J.Schneider. Comparative study of the bioavailability
of magnesium N-acetyltaurinate on cell lines. Cellular biochemistry, Nutritional and Toxicological Laboratory UCL/ISV/BCNT
(2) Uysal N, Kizildag S, Yuce Z, Guvendi G, Kandis S, Koc B, Karakilic A, Camsari UM, Ates M (2018) Timeline (bioavailability) of magnesium
compounds in hours : which magnesium compound works best ? Biol Trace Elem Res 187:128–136.
(3) Mehmet Ates, Servet Kizildag, Oguz Yuksel, Ferda Hosgorler, Zeynep Yuce, Guven Guvendi,
Sevim Kandis, Aslı Karakilic, Basar Koc, Nazan Uysal. Dose-Dependent (2019) Absorption Profile of Different Magnesium Compounds. Biological Trace Element Research.
ON SYNAPTIC PLASTICITY IN RODENTS. Magnes Res. 2020 Nov 1;33(4):106-113.
(5) Ferda Hosgorler, Basar Koc, Servet Kİzİldag, Selin Canpolat, Asuman Argon, Aslı Karakİlİc, Sevim Kandİs, Guven Guvendİ, Mehmet Ates, Nuri M Arda, Nazan Uysal. Magnesium acetyl taurate prevents tissue damage and deterioration of prosocial behavior related with vasopressin levels in traumatic brain injured rats. Turk Neurosurg. 2020 Mar 30.
(6) J. Durlach ; P. Bac; N. Pagès; P. Maurois; J. Vamecq; M. German Fattal; V. Durlach; Ph. Danhier. Mg Acetyltaurinate as a photic
inhibitor in photosensitive magnesium depletion : a physiological pathway in headache with photophobia treatment. Euromag meeting, 2011
(7) Pierre Bac, Christine Herrenknecht, Pierre Binet and Jean Durlach. Audiogenic seizures in magnesium-deficient mice :
effects of magnesium pyrrolidone-2-carboxylate, magnesium acetyltaurinate, magnesium chloride and vitamin B-6. Magnesium Research (1993) 6, 1, 11-19
(8) Forget D, MD; Danhier P, Phn and Durlach C, MD, Biosciences sprl. ATAMg®, a new taurinergic magnesium vector in migraine
may result in significant wellbeing improvement in some people: case report, XIV International Magnesium Symposium, Roma, june 2016
(9) Study report #19E1749 – April 2, 2021, Eurofins Dermscan.
Jean Durlach
Magnesium Acetyltaurinate was invented by Professor Jean Durlach (1925-2017), one of the greatest magnesium specialists.
He was one of the first scientists/pioneers to perceive the importance of magnesium at the physiological level and has always played a pioneering role in this field.
Professor Jean Durlach also initiated the creation of the International Society for the Development of Magnesium Research (ISDM) and the publication of Magnesium Research. His work has been the subject of more than 300 publications and a book « Le Magnésium en Pratique Clinique » (JB. Baillière, Paris 1985) which has been translated into several languages.
His contribution to revealing the importance of magnesium in physiology has been rewarded by numerous universities, which have awarded him the title of Doctor Honoris Causa.
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